CPD & Education
We offer CPD-accredited audits, providing clinicians with valuable educational resources and performance reviews.

Why us?

Healius Pathology participating pathology practices taking part nationally for the National Skin Audit and National Cervical Audit include Abbott Pathology, Dorevitch Pathology, Laverty Pathology, QML Pathology, TML Pathology and Western Diagnostic Pathology. For more information, please refer to the Audit Information Brochure.

Education points

The National Skin Audit and National Cervical Audit has been approved by the RACGP & ACRRM for 30hrs annually, broken down into 14hrs Reviewing Performance & 16hrs Measuring Outcomes which exceeds the minimum requirement annually.

Activities displaying the RACGP CPD activity logos are conducted by RACGP CPD providers and should not be recorded in your Quick Log to ensure they are not duplicated. For your convenience, the CPD hours will be uploaded by us annually and will automatically appear in your CPD history within one month of annual completion.

CPD Registration
Register to the National Skin Audit or National Cervical Audit today.