Dorevitch Pathology operate a network of Laboratories throughout Victoria and South Australia which have been NATA Accredited to AS4308 and AS4760 standards. As part of the Healius network, we can provide a national solution to employers from design of the drug and alcohol testing program through to the interpretation of results.
There are several sample types which are suitable in some circumstances for drug monitoring programs. All have their strengths and weaknesses and the choice of the particular matrix is best determined in consultation between employers, employees/unions, and WHS staff or consultants.
If the industry has no previous experience with this testing, it is often advisable to contact an occupational health consultant or an accredited laboratory to obtain specific guidance regarding setting up and managing testing procedures.
Instant Drug Devices available through Healius Pathology are verified and validated by the Laboratory as fit for purpose in accordance with AS4308 for Urine Devices or AS4760 for Oral Fluid Devices. These can be purchased directly for use by the employer, the individual for home self testing or can be used for testing at your workplace by certified Healius collection staff.
If the screening test (instant or laboratory screening) indicates the possible presence of a drug (a non-negative result), a liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) confirmation test is performed. It is a more sensitive and specific method with the purpose of eliminating any false positive results , to define which specific member(s) of the drug class is (are) present, and to determine how much is present.
What's best for your company?
Benzodiazepines are not specifically listed in the oral fluid Standard but they are commonly requested and legitimately reported because of an expectation arising from urine testing as well as requirement in the Australian Government Building Code 2013
Generally 3-4 days
Generally 3-12 hours
AS/NZS 4308:2023
AS/NZS 4760:2019
Healius can provide tailor made collection options to suit each individual client. These options include:
Procedure for specimen collection and the detection and quantification of drugs in oral fluid.
Additional drugs outside of AS4308 can be tested if required which may include but not limited to:
View our broad range of tests offered.
Results available within 5 minutes.
Negative results available within 24 BH
In built creatinine/adulterant checks
Non-negative samples immediately proceed to confirmation testing - results within 48 BH from collection
Accredited and verified devices
Sample collected and transported using strict chain of custody
Conforms to AS/NZS 4308
Additional drugs can be tested
QC checks performed on kits
QC performed
Quality assurance program participation
Quality assurance program participation
Non-negative resulted sample transferred to a confirmation kit and sent to the laboratory for confirmation - results within 48 BH
Drug detection window typically 3-4 days after last use
Drug detection window typically 3-4 days after last use
Testing services available at dedicated Collection Centres, on-site or for purchase by customers
Procedure for specimen collection and the detection and quantification of drugs in oral fluid.
Results available within 5 minutes.
Results available within 48 BH
Results available within 5 minutes.Accredited and verified devices
Non-negative result immediately proceed to confirmation - result within 48 BH
Conforms to AS/NZS 4760
Sample collected and transported using strict chain of custody.
Inbuilt quality control
QC performed.
Quality assurance program participation.
Quality assurance program participation.
All non-negative samples will need to be collected in a specifically verified sample transfer device e.g. Quantisal and sent to the laboratory - results within 48 BH
Drug detection window typically 3-12 hours after last use
Drug detection window typically 3-12 hours after last use
Testing services available at limited dedicated Collection Centres, on-site or for purchase by customers
Results are provided in real-time anywhere, anytime through our online results platform Medway.
Medway is a diagnostic results platform that works with you to make more informed decisions and promote better health outcomes.'