Dr Aurelia Sadauskiene graduated from the Kaunas Medical Academy (Lithuania) in 1986. In 1987 she passed the Dermato-Venereal Diseases specialisation examination. After migrating to Australia and passing the Australian Council exam, Dr Sadauskiene worked for three years as an HMO at Werribee Mercy and Frankston hospitals. Dr Sadauskiene trained in Anatomical Pathology at the Peter MacCallum Cancer institute and St. Vincent’s hospital in Sydney. In 2004 Dr Sadauskiene joined DOR Pathology as an Anatomical Pathology Registrar, and, after completing her training at Monash Medical, Centre was admitted as a fellow of the RCPA in 2007. Dr Sadauskiene completed a Fellowship in cytopathology at the Victorian Cytology service before returning to DOR Pathology in 2008.