Dr Wendy Munckhof
MB BS FRCPA (MIcrobiology) FRACP (Infectious Diseases)

Associate Professor Wendy Munckhof completed her medical degree at the University of Melbourne and then went on to complete her specialty training as both an Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist in Melbourne. She then completed her PhD in antimicrobial pharmacodynamics at Monash University and moved to Brisbane to undertake postdoctoral research. Her major research interests include antimicrobials and most notably the study of Staphylococcus aureus, including seminal work on community-acquired MRSA. She discovered the ST93 community-acquired strain of MRSA in southern Queensland in 1999 and was the first in the world to characterise its clinical and microbiological features; this is now the most common strain of community-acquired MRSA in Australia. She has 59 peer-reviewed journal articles, 7 book chapters, and 57 international conference abstracts.

Her other national and international achievements include past Newsletter Editor and Secretary of the Australian Society for Antimicrobials, past Councillor for the Australian Society of Infectious Diseases, past membership of the Expert Writing Group for Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic (versions 14 and 15), Clinical Evaluator for the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) on antimicrobial agents and vaccines, and past membership of the TGA Advisory Committee on Medicines. She has completed the Gorgas Advanced Course in Tropical Medicine in Peru and the TropMedex Tropical Medicine Training course in Tanzania.