Faecal Occult Blood Collection
Faecal Occult Blood Collection is a test that checks for hidden (occult) blood in the stool, which may indicate gastrointestinal issues such as colorectal cancer or bleeding ulcers.

You will need to collect both samples preferably within 3 days of each other. DO NOT collect the sample during menstrual bleeding or if you have bleeding hemorrhoids.

Collection instructions

  1. Label your collection tube with your full name, date of birth and collection date.
  2. Wee in the toilet first and flush it away.
  3. Put some toilet paper or a plastic container on top of the water. The toilet water won’t affect your sample result, so don’t worry if your poo mixes with the toilet water.
  4. Poo onto the toilet paper or plastic container
  5. Remove the green plastic collection stick from the bottle by twisting. Then scrape the grooved end across different areas of the poo.
  6. Cover the grooves on the end of the stick with poo, but do not put too much on. The sample should be smaller than a grain of rice. If you collect too much the test will not work.
  7. Put the stick back in its bottle and push to click shut. Do not remove the stick again.
  8. Gently shake the tube to mix the liquid. Store the tube in the fridge or a cool place.
  9. Collect the second sample (steps 1-8) when you next go to the toilet.
  10. Put both samples in the plastic bag and drop at a Dorevitch collection centre with the request form. Do this as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours.
Faecal Occult Blood Collection
Pre-test collection information
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