Semen analysis

Please follow these instructions carefully

  1. Collect specimen a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 7 days after your last ejaculation.
  2. Collect the ENTIRE sample by means of masturbation. Other methods, such as interruption of intercourse, are not suitable as there can be loss of the first portion of the specimen.
  3. DO NOT use condoms, artificial lubricants, talcs, etc, as these will interfere with the test.
  4. Collect the specimen in the specially provided container.
  5. Label container with your:
  6. • Surname
  7. • Date of Birth
  8. • Given Name
  9. • Time and Date of Collection
  10. For both Fertility and Post Vasectomy Testing, please deliver to your nearest Dorevitch Laboratory listed overleaf within 45 minutes of collection.

Please see PDF below for form to deliver with the specimen and doctor request form.

Specimen Drop Off Locations

Please see PDF below for your nearest Dorevitch Laboratory sample drop off locations.

Semen analysis