Sputum Cytology

  • 3 sterile yellow lid jars.
  1. Where possible, please collect sputum specimens in the early mornings. However, if your cough/sputum production is higher at another time of the day, then the specimen may be collected then. Adequate specimen is essential. The container may be used more than once within a SINGLE day if you are unable to produce/collect adequate specimen in one cough.
  2. 3 separate specimens must be collected over 3 consecutive days.
  3. The specimen must be sputum (or phlegm) produced from your lungs and not saliva which is produced in the mouth.
  4. Breathing deeply 3 or 4 times before collecting the specimen and “huffing” on expiration may help produce a more adequate specimen.
  5. Breathing in the steam whilst having a hot shower or breathing in steam from a bowl with a towel over your head may also prove helpful towards producing a satisfactory specimen.
  6. Label each jar with your:
    • Surname
    • Date of Birth
    • Given Name
    • Time & Date of Collection
    • Please label day 1, day 2 or day 3
  7. Specimen should be delivered as soon as possible on the day of collection. If there is a delay in delivery, please refrigerate.
Sputum Cytology